Living The Hygge Manifesto May Mean Not Posting Every Day…

This may sound like an excuse for not keeping up with my current 31 Days series…

Perhaps, it is an excuse. I’m busy. True. My time management is certainly not the best. Right now, I’m trying to squeeze this post in before running off to play Bunco.

The plan: answer a few blog comments and write this post. What happened so far….I may have wasted too much time reading a little “saga” on a neighborhood site. Couldn’t even tell you why I read it. Dog problems between neighbors and griping about the city, not even in our neighborhood. And I’m a cat person. Go figure.

Back to this post….

I started to write another post after my Happy Homemaker Monday post last night. However, I ended up snuggled under a blanket, finishing a cup of tea, and watching a 9:00 PM television show with my husband. Didn’t want to spend all night on the computer.

Oh yeah, hygge is about being cozy, comfort, and being present. Sometimes the blog posts suffer for that.

(Also, unexpectedly called into work again today! And working a half-day tomorrow. Hoping it will be my catch up afternoon…)


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