Finding Hygge Hidden In The Laundry Basket

My week started with a muddy coat on Monday.  No choice but to throw it in the washer on gentle cycle and hang it to dry.

All week, when I throw on my coat, the wonderful scent of fresh laundry captures my senses. (And gives me slight pause to wonder if I needed to wash my coat well before the mud puddle incident.)

Today, I worked a half-day, came home and tackled our over-flowing laundry. Seriously, out-of-town Saturday, lazy day Sunday, and work plus evening activities Monday and Tuesday….lots of laundry waiting!

I started with my “hidden” pile of gentle cycle, hang to dry clothes. My husband helps with the laundry, probably stays more on top of it than me. However, he’s not a label reader. If it’s in the basket, it goes in the washer and then, in the dryer. Not all clothes are dryer friendly so I keep a pile aside out of the laundry baskets.

After smelling my coat the last 2 days, I knew I wanted to wash all the hang to dry laundry today. Mostly work t-shirts, a vacation t-shirt, a pair of J’s black dress pants, and my dress from the wedding we attended.

I use our shower rod to hang the clothes for drying. Makes the bathroom smell great! Why not outside?  Honestly, birds. I like to bird watch but I don’t want their poop on my freshly cleaned laundry.

How is it Hygge?

  • I had to take my time, waiting on the washing machine, picking the right hangers.
  • The scent of clean laundry is one of my favorites, adding to the atmosphere of our home and bringing me pleasure.
  • Taking the time to appreciate and have gratitude for the comfort of clean laundry made a usually mundane task somewhat enjoyable.

I did not expect to find hygge hidden in the laundry but it was there. And it was just about as nice as finding the occasional spare dollar in the dryer!

5 Replies to “Finding Hygge Hidden In The Laundry Basket”

    1. It is a great smell isn’t it? Too bad I focused so much on the hang to dry that I forgot to wash my marching band t-shirt for tonight, oops! Good thing I have a few from other years. Hope you’re getting started on a great weekend!


  1. Ooops! LOL! Yes, good thing you’ve got more. I’m working all weekend. Worked today, work a special event at Battle of Island Mound at Butler tomorrow, and work Sunday afternoon…my last one though until April. Yeah! Have a great weekend, Jean! ❤


  2. we routinely have hang to dry clothing – which we hang on one of two racks; one is smaller and one is large, and often we need both – especially on dark, gentle, hang to dry load – two teenage girls that shop at H&M creates that LOL


    1. Oh, I bet you do have a fair share of hang to dry loads! I’m lucky with boys, most my loads are t-shirts for the washer & then,dryer. LOL. Hope all is going well on your end.


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