A Bird In The Bush…

Yesterday afternoon, I noticed this sparrow as I arrived home from work. He sat on the wire running through the neighbor’s evergreen tree.
 Turning his head from side to side.
 I stood and watched for a few minutes before grabbing my camera. The sparrow continued to intently turn his head side to side, listening. Once I returned with my camera, he looked at me curiously. 

Then, he tweeted a few times and hopped back into the depths of the evergreen tree.

I did see a few other birds this week but not during convenient picture-taking times, mostly robins and downy woodpeckers at home.  Some cardinals and a flock of geese flying overhead at work.

And of course, sparrows.

Linking this post up with The Bird Depot hosted by Anni over at I’d Rather B Birdin’.

8 Replies to “A Bird In The Bush…”

    1. Yes, he sure was! Pretty sure if he’d had a tiny camera, he’d been taking my picture while I tried to capture his. Hope you have a wonderful week as well!


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