

All posts from 2012-2021 should be here

I’m now blogging at Chit Chat With Jean, click link below to visit.

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Happy Homemaker Moving Day!

Psst! I changed blog homes. Come find me (and my Monday planning post) over at: The button should be clickable, but just in case it doesn’t work for you, click here: Chit Chat With Jean Hope to see you soon!

Looks Like We Made It

It’s the last day of the year!   When we wake up tomorrow, we won’t magically be free of all the ails of this brutal year. However, I refuse to be anything but hopeful that 2021 is going to be better. Around here, 2021 starts (supposedly) with a winter storm! And I’m excited about it. Maybe…

Happy Homemaker Monday, Goodbye 2020!

And don’t let the door hit you in the “behind” on the way out.  Obviously, 2020 was not the best year. Of course, we were lucky in that overall 2020 was kind to us. We had our health and both kept working. We had our family and friends even if we didn’t get to see…

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